

The Computer Science Class C of 2004 of VLB Janakiammal College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore

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Classmates : Hi all,
I am getting married on 30-Aug-09. Inviting u all for mariage.

Address: Madapilli Samooham, Statue Junction, Thripunnithura, Eranakulam
Timings: 10:30 - 11:30 am, 30th aug 2009

"Your presence will be tresured"
Friday, 14th August 2009 - Pramod Balakrishnan
Classmates : Hi Guys,
I moved to Indirect Procurement (BP, Infosys itself). Saw Don's update in the site. Very good idea. Lets meet and have some good times together one day. Miss you all...
Tuesday, 1st July 2008 - Pramod Balakrishnan
Classmates : Hi Guys, how is life? keep updating your details to keep our bonding more strong...........
Friday, 14th December 2007 - Pramod Balakrishnan
Classmates : working in infosys BPO, not able to leave bangalore, contact number: 09845095185
Thursday, 24th May 2007 - Pramod Balakrishnan
i am working in progeon now, training is going on, i am doing good , in couldnt contact many of you guys ,
i am very very SORRY for that. Keep in touch.
Thursday, 20th April 2006 - Pramod Balakrishnan
Classmates : Hi guys
i am in bangalore working in a call centre
enjoying the life with lots of fun
missing our college life want to see all of you guys only bcoz of that i came for the covacation but i saw only few guys ..
my contact no is 09880875819
Tuesday, 13th September 2005 - Pramod Balakrishnan
Classmates : Hi friends,
i am enjoying life in ekm..
hope u all are enjoying the life..
i am working in BPL mobile ekm..
if u can pls call 9846098460 and
giv your phone no: i will call u
bak guys.. mising our royal c
Friday, 29th October 2004 - Pramod Balakrishnan
Classmates : All the best for all my friends who are waiting for the results
Friday, 11th June 2004 - Pramod Balakrishnan
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Sat, 27th Jul

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