

The Computer Science Class C of 2004 of VLB Janakiammal College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore

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Classmates : Hello dear friends,

Recently I moved to Ernst & Young(Technopark, Tvm itself). How r u all doing? Hope doing gr8... I have contacts with few of us.

Then, me too like to meet you all, as Don suggested. Plan for a public holiday... At first ask all of those in contact to use this site. :)

Keep in touch...

Ur dear Palz...
Tuesday, 8th July 2008 - Paulson George
Classmates : Hello dear friends,

How are you all? Hope fine... I am doing great here in Ananthapuri (Trivandrum)!

Keep in touch,
Friday, 30th November 2007 - Paulson George
Classmates : Hello friendz!!

Hope u all r doin great!

I'm workin as a .Net programmer in VanillaNetworks, Technopark, Trivandrum.

Keep in touch...
Monday, 6th August 2007 - Paulson George
Classmates : Why no new news here?
Any way, my course completed. Now I'm waiting for result. Now at Trivandrum. Planning to move to B'lore soon.

Miss u all... Take care... Hope we will meet soon... Some where... Some how... As I'm often meting some of us...

Keep in touch... With love and prayers,
Ur pal Paulson.
Thursday, 17th May 2007 - Paulson George
Classmates : MCA almost over... Project completed...
Monday, 2nd April 2007 - Paulson George
Classmates : How r u all? Hope fine... My 5th sem results came... got 7.6 CGPA (76%)... Keep in touch
Sunday, 28th January 2007 - Paulson George
Classmates : Hi all...

Good bye to campus... Good bye to classes... Good bye to Exams... Project starts by 4th December... A new play ground... To Ananthapuri (Trivandrum) for project ... New world... US Technologies (NOT YET PLACED, for project only)...

Then dear friends... Please keep in touch... Whtz new? Whatz the news?

With LoVe PaLz...
Friday, 1st December 2006 - Paulson George
Classmates : Hi all, How r u all?? Keep in touch through this site. Tell others to use this site. I'm doin well. 5th sem of MCA. Only 3 more months in the campus. Then proj. Take care.

Ur Pal.
Sunday, 6th August 2006 - Paulson George
Classmates : Hello dear friendz...
Wazup? How ya doin? I'm fine. My college will reopen on 6th of this month. One more sem in college, then Project, THEN... !!! ? Who knows?! Pray for me.
All the best to u all. Keep in touch plz...
With love and prayers,
Ur Pal Pauls.
Tuesday, 4th July 2006 - Paulson George
Classmates : Hi Friendz,
I'm on a 72 days vacation... Enjoin My Yooouth.. !!! College reopening is on 6th July. I'm doing two projects during these time.

Please share, whatz happening in your life.. Plzzz...

Plzzz Keep in touch,
Ur pal,
Wednesday, 26th April 2006 - Paulson George
Classmates : Hello Everybody... Howya doing? Hope enjoyin ur life...
I'm doing well... 'have a little tough time for now.. End f d sem.. Itz all in d game...
Keep in touch yaar...
Take care
Ur Pal Pauls
Thursday, 23rd March 2006 - Paulson George
Classmates : Hi friendz.... "Happy New year" first... Hope all r doin well.... Keep in touch... My contact no : +91-9894848970
Monday, 16th January 2006 - Paulson George
Classmates : Hi Everybody... My contact no : +91-9894848970 . keep in touch....plzzzz
Wednesday, 10th August 2005 - Paulson George
Classmates : Hey... What's Going on??? No New News !!!!
Monday, 18th July 2005 - Paulson George
Classmates : Hey!!! Thats kooool... So our site is rolling its own way, other than we expected !!! Right Anjanesh!!!
Thursday, 19th May 2005 - Paulson George
Classmates : Hi Friends.. My Xams r over !!! atmost 2 months hollyday, till may 21st... Now I'm here in my Native,... Plz pray 4 me...Hey Then, "**** Happy Married Life to Nandini madam ****"...
Tuesday, 10th May 2005 - Paulson George
Classmates : How r u all??? Hope fine... Our Practical Exams strted today... Theory will start on 27th of this month... Pray 4 me...
Thursday, 21st April 2005 - Paulson George
Classmates : whats up there....?Miss u all....Our 2nd sem Xams will start on 27th April....
Saturday, 5th March 2005 - Paulson George
Classmates : "Wiash u all A HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEWYEAR"...
My 1st sem results came... 80.80%...
Keep in touch...
Wednesday, 29th December 2004 - Paulson George
Classmates : All the lab Xams finished. Done well...
Theorys will start on 8th Dec..
Miss u all...My Cell No: 919894822781..
Feel free to contact...
Sunday, 5th December 2004 - Paulson George
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Fri, 14th Mar

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